Lara de Blas Vilà, alumna de 2n d'ESO
The bee and the wasp
This story starts with Billy, a little bee of beehive south, a big swarm full of bees, well…Almost full, there was an exception, Sam, the only wasp of the beehive.
Billy was a very sociable bee with a lot of friends, the problem was that he was tired of spending the whole day with the same bees, so he decided to be friends with Sam, the wasp. But there was one problem, bees thought that Sam was dangerous because he was different, so everytime that Billy tried to talk to him, bees appeared from everywhere to warn him, saying things like he is bad, he will attack you, or he’s different, dangerous
Things continued like that until Billy found Sam crying near a flower. And he was alone! So he decided to get closer
- ´Why are you sad?´ asked Billy curiously.
- ´Because bees think that I’m dangerous and I’m alone all day,´ Sam answered sadly.
- ‘Do you want to be my friend?’ asked Billy suddenly.
- ‘Yes,’ said Sam.
And since that day they were inseparable, and even if the bees said bad things about their friendship they were happy. But one day they got tired and decided to look for a solution. So, at midnight they packed their suitcases and escaped from the beehive. They started to travel around the world and made a lot of friends together.
Roald Dahl English creative writing competition winners 2021-2022
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