Barry Allen, Joan Boada & ESO 4 students
This is the second year we are offering Economics in English as an optional subject in ESO 4. We have asked students to write an overview of why they chose the subject, what we do and also present a project they have been working on and presented to their classmates.
Ja estem al segon any d’aquesta assignatura que oferim a 4t ESO, Economics in English. Hem demanat a alguns alumnes que escriguin un resum de perquè han escollit l’assignatura, què fem a classe i també explicar i presentar un projecte que han realitzat i posteriament exposat als seus companys.
Why we chose Economics in English
Emili Penadés (4C) & Jordi Valls (4C) In our case, we chose the option of studying Economics in English, because it seemed to us an attractive subject since until now we had not entered the world of economics so seriously and therefore, we wanted to learn from it and try this new experience, and in English! We were also interested in the idea of the subject being in English, since this way we learn economics, learn more vocabulary and improve our English much more. We think it is a very good option as you will learn many new things and you will also be improving your vocabulary and your English much more.
Helena Domènech (4C) & Sira Parés (4C) We chose Economics in English because we wanted to know more about economic terms and uses; how economics works in our society and around the world. Also we wanted to improve our English, practising our writing, listening and reading skills. Personally, we’re enjoying this new subject. We think that it is great to have this subject as an optional subject, because we are learning a lot about economics and also practicing and improving our English. We are discovering a new ambit that we didn’t know about before.
Project: Compare & contrast 2 countries’ economies by Luca Mitchell (4D)
This project in pairs is about comparing two countries which are different, both economically and politically, so we can’t choose two countries who are similar in these respects. We have to look at the religion, population, GDP (gross domestic product), main imports and exports, partners and many more things.
In order to do that we have to do a lot of research in videos, articles and news reports.
Each pair learnt a lot about the economy of a country. It’s not just the finances, it’s knowing what state they have those finances in, which goods they export and import to make goods, and their main partners whom they interact with. We also add to our knowledge the way we can compare how countries and communities are organized and handled by their political representatives and societies.
Posters produced and presented to peers in class:
Elna Homedes (4B) & Adriàn Casado (4C) – Emili Penadés (4C) & Adrià Beneyto (4B)
Biel Escoda (4C) & Luca Mitchell (4D) – Elena Casino (4D) & Isona Rodríguez (4C)
Lorena Llamazares (4A) & Sara Hispano (4A)
In this project of Economics we had to search for information about two countries with different economies. In our case we chose the US and North Korea that are opposite in terms of how much the government is involved in the economy of the country.
This project showed us different economic situations and their causes and effects. We enjoyed this project and it was a different and entertaining way to learn about the economic rates.
Helena Domènech (4C) & Sira Parés – Mar Riera (4C) & Nora Àlvarez (4D)
This term in Economics, we had to research two countries’ economies and then compare them. We were able to amplify our knowledge in economic indicators while we were learning more about how the economic world works. Also, you could make it personal and choose the countries you like the most, which have completely different market systems. We are so grateful that we had the opportunity to find out more about Italy and Cuba. We had to work hard and faced many challenges, but with our teacher we could solve our problems.
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This is the second year we are offering Economics in English as an optional subject in ESO 4
Montse Baste Olle says
Well done! Any “excuse” to learn more English at the right age!!!